Hypnotherapy patient laying on a table in front of a sunny window with green plants.


Hypnotherapy guides you into a state of deep relaxation, heightened concentration, and focused attention where you’re able to come into more direct contact with your own inner knowing. It can be used as a catalyst for profound and permanent change in the thoughts, habits, and behaviors that are keeping you stuck, unfulfilled, or frustrated in any area of your life.

Why Hypnotherapy?

The subconscious mind is a powerful place where the bulk of our thought patterns, habits, emotional responses, and behaviors are stored. It is largely shaped in the formative years of childhood and early adolescence, and houses deeply ingrained and often quite rigid and limiting ideas about the world, our place within it, and a fixed sense “how things are.”

These ideas often exist outside of our conscious awareness, and yet they affect all aspects of our lives and keep us stuck in blind reactivity and trapped in patterns of behavior, thought, and emotional response that we just can’t seem to shake. Hypnotherapy allows us to begin to shift those thoughts, habits and behaviors, right at their source.

When our conscious mind is quieted via hypnotherapy, we’re able to actually tap into that subconscious part of the brain where our thoughts, beliefs, perceptions, sensations, emotions, memories, and behaviors originate. We’re more open and available to receive guidance that will help us modify or replace the unconscious thoughts and beliefs that are driving our current unwanted behaviors.

Hypnotherapy beautifully complements other healing methods as it offers a different way of accessing and clearing the invisible barriers between you and the fuller experience of life you seek. And it can be highly effective, even if at the outset you don’t know what’s “in the way” of making the changes that you say you want to see in your life; we’ll figure that part out, together.

More questions? See the FAQ.

I currently offer the following Hypnotherapy and Hypnoacupuncture services:

  • In-person hypnotherapy or hypnoacupuncture sessions for new and established clients

  • Virtual (Zoom) hypnotherapy sessions for new and established clients

  • See rates here

Alexa Gilmore talking with smiling hypnotherapy patient laying on table during treatment.

What does a session look like?

First, we’ll check in about whatever inspired you to seek support, and use a directed questioning process to learn what you know about the thought, pattern, symptom or behavior you’re hoping to change. We’ll also get clear on how you want to think, act, or feel, instead.

Once we’ve established the area of focus for the session, you’ll lie down and get comfortable; if you’re in the clinic that will be on a treatment table, if you’re at home, you’ll lie down in a comfortable spot where you’ll be free from interruption. I’ll talk you through a guided relaxation process and into a light, hypnotherapeutic state. You’ll be fully awake and aware of what is going on at all times, but your inner wisdom will be more accessible to you, as will your sense of what’s possible for you in your life. 

The hypnotherapeutic portion of the visit typically lasts between 20-30 minutes. Once we’re finished, I’ll gently guide you out of it and fully back into the room. We’ll close the session by checking in about your experience and discussing any integration strategies or practices that may help expand or deepen the insights you’ve gained. I’ll send you a recording of your session and encourage you to listen to it daily, to deepen the effect.

After a session people typically feel some combination of relaxation, refreshment, clarity, calm, wonderment, or inspiration, and often report a heightened connection to self. In short, people generally love the feeling of having undergone hypnotherapy, and you’re likely to emerge from your session feeling rested and rejuvenated.